I knew I liked you.

 I mean, who clicks a button that says, “What Makes You Weird?”

Where do they expect that button to take them?

 I’ll tell you who clicks that button — someone I’d like to spend more time with, that’s who.

And what do they expect? Well, they’re not sure. But they’re curious. And the world needs curiosity.


01 | I like you.

I think you, your curiosity, and your gifts are important.

02 | Thanks for viewing this page, which is sometimes overlooked.

(The quiet ones often are.)

03 | Here’s something to consider:

We spend a lot of time making sure no one knows we’re weird.

 which means

We use a lot of our energy trying to hide what makes us different.



What if the traits that make us different are the gifts that make us powerful?


 What if the quirks that make us “weird” are our superpowers hiding in plain sight?


 Here’s a thought:

What if, instead of trying to silence the things that make us different, we turned up the volume instead?

Ask me, “What is my superpower?”
and I’ll ask you, “What makes you weird?”

Because what makes you weird is very likely your gift to the world.